Zilic, Z., Ph.D., P. Eng.
Welcome to my home within Integrated Microsystems Laboratory, where you will find information related to my research. For teaching-related information, please check my ECE home page.
Quick Facts: Biography, Research Interests, Publications
Zeljko Zilic received his Ph. D. and M. Sc. from the University of Toronto, and his B. Eng. from University of Zagreb, all in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
From 1996 till 1997 he worked for Lucent Microelectronics, where as a Member of Technical Staff he was involved in the design, test and verification of Orca FPGAs. He joined McGill University in 1998, where he is now a Professor. Prof. Zilic has used a sabbatical leave in 2004/2005 to work with ST Microelectronics in Ottawa on assertion-based verification of multiprocessors on chip, conducted in cooperation with the IBM research lab in Haifa.
Professor Zilic conducts research on various aspects of the design and test of Microsystems, including their applications for health and lifestyle improvements. He has published over 300 publications. He received five Best Paper Awards, including Best Paper Award from MobiHealth 2017, Wireless Mobile Communications and Healthcare 2014, Asian Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, Design and Verification Conference (DVCon) 2005 and Myril B. Reed Best Paper award from Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. He has also received several Honorary Mention Awards, such as from IEEE Microelectronics Systems Education Conference, ETAN and CMC Symposia. Prof Zilic has led or participated in program committees for the High-level Design Validation and Test, International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, International Test Conference, Silicon Debug and Diagnosis, Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, NEWCAS and AQTR conferences, Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference, and Workshop on Open Source Test Technology.
Prof. Zilic has supervised over 75 post-graduate students, who have received numerous awards for their theses, and the graduating students have moved on to leading industrial and academic institutions upon their graduation.
Prof Zilic has been granted the Chercheur Strategique research chair from the Province of Quebec. He has also been awarded the Wighton Fellowship for laboratory course teaching, by Sandford Fleming Foundation and the National Council of Deans of Engineering and Applied Science (NCDEAS). He is the Senior Member of IEEE and ACM.
Research Topics
- Cyber-biological Systems for Chronic Conditions and Aging Population
- Design for Quality: Synthesis, Testing, Verification and Debug
- Assertion-based Design and Verification: Simulation-based (Dynamic), Emulations and Formal Methods
- Post-fabrication Validation and Verification, Debugging Infrastructure and Techniques
- Arithmetic Circuits and System Verification and Optimization: Precision, Range and Energy-efficiency
- Embedded, Wireless and Multiprocessor Systems
- Networks on Chip, Multiprocessors on Chip: Transaction-level Modeling
- Algebraic, Combinatorial and Quantum Algorithms; Interpolation