Roberts, G., Ph.D., Toronto

Gordon W. Roberts received the B.A.Sc. degree from the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1983 and the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto, Canada, in 1986 and 1989, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering. At McGill University he is a full professor and holds the James McGill Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has co-written five textbooks related to analog IC design and mixed-signal test. He has published numerous papers in scientific journals and conferences, and he has contributed chapters to various industrially focused textbooks. Dr. Roberts has held many administration roles within conference organizations; most recently he was the 2003 program chair of the IEEE International Test Conference.
Dr. Roberts has received numerous department, faculty and university awards for teaching test and electronics to undergraduates, and received several IEEE awards for his work on mixed-signal testing. Dr. Roberts is a Fellow of the IEEE. In 2003 he took leave from McGill to help start DFT Microsystems, Inc, a company specializing in high-speed timing measurement. His current research includes analog IC design methods and various issues related to mixed-signal test.
Research Interests
- Mixed-Signal Integrated circuits (ICs)
- High-frequency analog circuit design
- Low-voltage analog and mixed-signal ICs