Abhari, Ramesh, Ph.D., Toronto

Ramesh Abhari received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada in 2002. Since June 2003, she has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montreal, QC, Canada, as an Assistant Professor. She has served as the chairperson of IEEE Toronto Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT), Antennas and Propagation
(AP) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) joint chapter for five years and has received certificates of recognition and the IEEE Toronto Centennial Medal for her services as the chapter chair. She is the founder and the current chair of IEEE Montreal Component Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT)
Chapter and has been the technical chapter coordinator since summer 2003.
Dr. Abhari pioneered the application of the electromagnetic bandgap structures in suppression of the power/ground noise and received the student paper award at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium in June 2002 for this work. She has been the recipient of a number of fellowships such as IEEE MTT-S Graduate fellowship in 2000, Ontario Graduate Scholarships for four consecutive years and University of Toronto V.L. Henderson fellowship. Her students have received paper awards at International Symposium on Antenna Tech. and Applied Electromagnetics (Antem) 2006 and IEEE Electrical Performance and Electronic Packaging (EPEP) 2007 Conferences.
Dr. Abhari is a senior IEEE member and a reviewer for IEEE conferences and Transactions papers such as Trans. on Advanced Packaging, Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, IEE Proceedings on Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, and Canadian Granting agencies. She is also a member of the technical committee of IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects and IEEE EMC TC-10 Signal Integrity Committee.
Research Interests
- Novel interconnect design for ultra high-speed and wideband applications
- Signal/Power integrity and Electromagnetic compatibility in RF and mixed signal electronic circuits
- Passive component design for modern system packaging solutions SIP/SOP
- Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG), metamaterials and slow-wave structures
- Substrate-integrated waveguide circuits
- Integrated antennas and RFIDs
- Antenna arrays and beam steering antennas
- Suppression of the power/ground noise in printed circuit boards, MCMs, and RFICs
- Modeling and characterization of interconnects and power distribution networks
Nonlinear transmission lines
Research Projects
- Refer to the publications page for detail list of the papers published in the research areas indicated above
- In a sample project conducted in 2007, power integrity analysis was performed using IBM EIP Tool Suite.
1- Title: Analysis of Power Distribution Networks containing
Electromagnetic Bandgap structures using IBM EIP tool and
Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory
2- Authors : D. Kostka, K. Payandehjoo and R. Abhari
3- In this work, IBM EIP tool is utilized to find the critical parameters and information needed in modeling and analysis of modern PDNs. Specifically, CZ2D is used to extract per unit length parameters critical to development of multiconductor transmission line models for our studied PDNs. Also, LCGEN is employed to obtain the lumped element model for PDN discontinuities such as vias. Additionally, EMSIM is utilized to generate the current distribution on PDN’s conductor layers in order to simplify the developed transmission line based models. As a result, the IBM EIP tool suite is utilized to solve the emerging power integrity problems, namely, for analysis of power distribution networks containing periodic and electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures. Two distinct problems have been investigated using IBM’s EIP tool suite in order:
a. To predict the impedance profile of a mesh-based PDN
at various port locations.
b. To generate the dispersion diagrams and plot the
propagation constants of the TM modes in a PDN
containing EBG structures.
4- The EIP Tool Suite is available for download at